Two approaches to the orthonormal Procrustes Problem
The first way is through standard constrained optimization approach. We consider the Lagrangian $$ L(Q, \Lambda) = \|QX-Y\|_{F}^2 + \sum_{i,j} \Lambda \odot (Q^TQ - I) $$ where $\odot$ denotes the entries-wise multiplication of matrices, sometimes called Hardamard product; the summation is over all indices. To find a critical point of $L$ and hence the minimum of the convex objective, we would need to differentiate $L(Q,\Lambda)$ with respect to entries of $Q$. To make our life easier, we will need to simplify the expression, by using the following identites for $A$, $B$ of size $m\times n$: $$ \begin{aligned} \|A\|_{F}^2 = \text{tr}(A^{T}A) \\ \text{tr}(A^TB) = \text{tr}(BA^T) = \sum_{i,j} A \odot B \\ \frac{\partial}{\partial X_{ij}}\text{tr}(X^TAX) = ((A^T + A)X)_{ij} \\ \frac{\partial}{\partial X_{ij}}\text{tr}(AX) = A_{ji} \end{aligned} $$ First, we write $$ L(Q,\Lambda) = \text{tr}(QXX^TQ^T) - 2\text{tr}(XY^TQ) + \text{tr}(Y^TY) + \text{tr}(\Lambda^T(Q^TQ-I)). $$ Differentiate in $Q$ gives $$ \frac{\partial L}{\partial Q} = 2QXX^T - 2YX^T + Q(\Lambda^T + \Lambda) $$ Setting this to zero, we have $$ (\Lambda^T + \Lambda)/2 + XX^T = Q^TYX^T $$ Now here is the crux. This means $Q^TXY^T$ must be symmetric $$ Q^TYX^T = XY^TQ $$ Multiplying both sides by $Q$, we get $$ YX^T = QXY^TQ $$ Squaring both sides, $$ YX^TXY^T = QXY^TYX^TQ^T $$ Suppose the eigen decopositions are $$ YX^TXY^T = VDV^T, XY^TYX^T = UDU^T $$ since we know they have the same eigenvalues, we must have $$ V = QU $$ or $Q = VU^T$. We can compute the matrices $U$ and $V$ by computing the singular value decomposition of $XY^T$ $$ XY^T = U\Sigma V^T $$ In the second approach we will effectively prove $Q = UV^T$ is the solution. We write $$ \|QX-Y\|_{F}^2 = \|QX\|_{F}^2 - 2\text{tr}(XY^TQ) + \|Y\|_{F}^2 $$ The last term has nothing to do with $Q$, so can be safely ignored. Now we invoke a lemma.
Lemma 1 If $Q$ is an orthonormal matrix, then $\|QX\|_{F}^2 = \|X\|_{F}^2$ for any matrix $X$.Hence in fact the first term does not matter as well. We now want to maximize $$ \text{tr}(XY^TQ) $$ We proceed by taking the singluar value decomposition of $XY^T= U\Sigma V^T$, to get $$ \begin{aligned} \text{tr}(XY^TQ) &= \text{tr}(U\Sigma V^TQ) \\ &= \text{tr}(\Sigma V^TQU) \end{aligned} $$ Note that $\Sigma$ is diagonal and recall that they are all positive. So we are instereted in maximizing the diagonal entries of $V^TQU$.
Lemma 2 If $u, v$ are unit vectors, then $\langle u, v\rangle$ is at most $1$.Viewing $V^TQ$ together, the first diagonal entry in the dot product between the fisrt row of $V^TQ$ and the first column of $U$, and it is at most $1$. It is then easy to see that the diagonal entries are maximized when $$ V^TQU = I $$ We again arrive at the solution $Q = VU^T$.
Relation to As-Rigid-As-Possible (ARAP) deformation
In ARAP, an important subproblem to solve is the following $$ \arg\min_{Q^TQ = I} \|\nabla f - Q\|_F^2 \,\,\,(1) $$ where $f$ is a mapping between two triangulated surfaes and we usually assume $\det \nabla f$ to be positive. Since locally on a triangle, $\nabla f$ maps edges to edges linearly. In the language of Procrustes problem, we are actually looking for $$ \arg\min_{Q^TQ = I} \|YX^{-1}- Q\|_F^2 $$ where we assume $X, Y$ are square and invertible. It is curious to note that this problem is not equivalent to the original Procrustes problem $$ \arg\min_{Q^TQ=I} \|QX-Y\|_{F}^2 \,\,\,(2) $$ which is actually equivalent to $$ \arg\min_{Q^TQ=I} \|YX^T-Q\|_{F}^2 $$ It turns out we can relate Problem (1) to Problem (2) by reweighing the quadratic energy column-wisely with respect to the geometry of the domain vectors, namely the cotangent weight. We refer to a previous post for details on that formulation.
A more general problem
Now we focus on Problem (1). Suppose we allow $Q$ to be different from a orthonormal a bit. To be precise, we set bounds to the singular values $\sigma_1, \sigma_2$ of $Q$, namely $$ k \leq \sigma_2 < \sigma_1 \leq K $$ We again ask what would be the best $Q$ that maps $X$ to $Y$ in a least square sense. It's tempting to suggest that the answer is $Q = U \Sigma^{*}V^T$, where $\Sigma^{*}$ is obtained by truncating the sigular values of $\nabla f=U \Sigma V^T$ to be inside the range $[k, K]$, i.e. $\sigma_i^* = \min(\max(\sigma_i, k), K)$. This is indeed true. To see it, we write $$ \begin{aligned} \|\nabla f - Q\|_F^2 & = \|U \Sigma V^T - Q\|_F^2 \\ & = \| \Sigma - U^T Q V\|_F^2 \end{aligned} $$ Let $Q = S\Sigma' P^T$ be the sigular value decomposition of $Q$. The above expression is $$ \| \Sigma - U^T S\Sigma' P^T V\|_F^2 =: \| \Sigma - U'^T\Sigma'V'\|_F^2 $$ which is equal to $$ \text{tr}(\Sigma^T \Sigma) - 2\text{tr}(\Sigma^TV'^T\Sigma'U') + \text{tr}(\Sigma'^T\Sigma') \,\,\,\,(3) $$ Note that only the middle term has to do with the rotation matrices. The problem now turns into maximizing $$ \text{tr}(\Sigma^TU'^T\Sigma'V') $$ over orthonormal matrices $U', V'$. Suppose we have ordered the diagonal entries of $\Sigma$ from large to small. Since they are all positive, we would like to maximize the diagonal entries of $U'^T\Sigma'V'$ and order them from large to small.
Proposition 3 Let $U',V'$ be orthonormal matrices, $\Sigma'$ be a matrix of zeros but non-negative on the diagonal. Suppose without loss of generality that the diagonal of $\Sigma'$ is ordered from large to small $\sigma_1' \geq \sigma_2' \geq \cdots$. Then we have $$ \text{diag}(U'^T\Sigma' V') \leq \text{diag}(\Sigma') $$ where we use $\leq$ as entry-wise comparison.To prove this, observe that the $k$-th diagonal entry of $U'^T\Sigma' V'$ is $$ u_{k}'^T \Sigma' v_{k}' $$ We state some simple lemmas following the above notation, and the proposition will follow immediately.
Lemma 4 If $u, v$ are unit vectors, then $u^T \Sigma' v$ is at most $\sigma_1'$.
Lemma 5 If $u, v$ are unit vectors such that $u^T \Sigma' v = \sigma_1'$, then for any unit vectors $u', v'$ orthogonal to $u, v$ repectively, $u'^T \Sigma' v'$ is at most $\sigma_2'$.These lemmas are in fact equivalent to the min-max characterization for singular values. Continue with the expression (3), we see when $U', V'$ are optimal, it is equal to $$ \text{tr}(\Sigma^T \Sigma) - 2\text{tr}(\Sigma^T\Sigma') + \text{tr}(\Sigma'^T\Sigma') $$ which is minimized when $\Sigma'$ is thresholded as described.
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