$ \displaystyle Ax=b,\quad A\in\mathbb{R}^{N\times N}. $
The type of algorithm that operating directly on the matrix $ {A}$ belongs to the family of direct methods. The simple Gaussian elimination (LU decomposition) is one of this kind, and can be used to solve such a system in $ {O(N^{3})}$ time, yielding an exact solution. But that is not always preferable, because it is typically time and power consuming when the matrix $ {A}$ is too large and no structural information of $ {A}$ is used in the algorithm. Various improvements of computation complexity in direct methods are possible, but will be a research topic. Here, we will take a look at some simple indirect methods, or iterative methods, which try to avoid computation with $ {A}$ as much as possible.Generally speaking, one instead deals with the equivalent system
$ \displaystyle Mx=(M-A)x+b $
where $ {M}$ has to be designed based on $ {A}$. This can be seen as a splitting of $ {A}$
$ \displaystyle A=M+(A-M). $
And then we will take the fixed point iteration
$ \displaystyle Mx^{k+1}=(M-A)x^{k}+b $
since if $ {x^{*}=A^{-1}b}$, it is a fixed point of the above iteration
$ \displaystyle Mx^{*}=(M-A)x^{*}+b. $
Whether this iteration converges or not needs to be analysed. To do this, we consider the discrepancy of $ {x^{*}}$ from the $ {k}$-th iteration
$ \displaystyle \begin{array}{rcl} e^{k+1} & = & x^{*}-x^{k+1}\\ & = & M^{-1}(M-A)(x^{*}-x^{k})\\ & = & M^{-1}(M-A)e^{k}\\ & =: & Be^{k}. \end{array} $
This means the convergence is controled by the powers of the error matrix $ {B}$, and the iteration converges if and only if
$ \displaystyle B^{n}\rightarrow0\text{ as }n\rightarrow\infty. $
Exercise 1 Show that $ {B^{n}\rightarrow0}$ if and only if every eigenvalue $ {\lambda_{i}}$ of ${B}$ has modulus strictly less than one, i.e.
$ \displaystyle |\lambda_{i}|<1\quad\forall i. $(Hint: use the Jordan normal form of $ {B}$.) The largest eigenvalue in modulus governs the rate of convergence, which is called the spectral radius, or $L^2$ operator norm of the matrix $ {B}$.
There are several criteria on what a "good'' $ {M}$ should be:
- $ {M}$ is easy to invert.
- $ {M-A}$ is easy to compute.
- The matrix $ {B:=M^{-1}(M-A)}$ has spectral radius stricly less than one.
$ \displaystyle A=L+D+U $
where $ {L,D,U}$ are the strict lower triangular part, diagonal part and strict upper triangular part of $ {A}$ respectively.
1.1. The Jacobi iteration
This unfortunately is a rather uninformative name. We take
$ \displaystyle M=D. $
Hence in order for $ {M}$ to be invertible, the diagonal part of $ {A}$ must be non-zero. We will see that a sufficient condition for the iteration to converge is a condition on the diagonal part of $ {A}$.Let us take a small concrete example to see what is going on. Take
$ \displaystyle A=\begin{bmatrix}2 & -1\\ -1 & 2 \end{bmatrix}. $
One Jacobi iteration looks like the following
$ \displaystyle \begin{bmatrix}2\\ & 2 \end{bmatrix}\begin{bmatrix}x_{0}^{1}\\ x_{1}^{1} \end{bmatrix}=\begin{bmatrix} & 1\\ 1 \end{bmatrix}\begin{bmatrix}x_{0}^{0}\\ x_{1}^{0} \end{bmatrix}+b. $
Note that one has to store the entire $ {x^{0}}$ in order to compute $ {x^{1}}$. This is what happens in general, since $ {M-A}$ is usually not triangular.The error matrix is
$ \displaystyle B=D^{-1}(D-A), $
where we recognize $ {D-A}$ is the negative non-diagonal part of $ {A}$. So $ {B}$ is the negative non-diagonal part of $ {A}$, with each row divided by the corresponding diagonal entry, which was assumed to be non-zero. The larger the diagonal entries are, the closer to zero $ {B}$ becomes. To make this condition precise, we need the following useful fact.
Exercise 2 (Gershgorin disk) Let $ {A=(a_{ij})\in\mathbb{R}^{N\times N}}$. Then each eigenvalue of $ {A}$ (which can be complex) lies within at least one of the closed disks $ {\{z:|z-a_{ii}|\leq R_{i}\}}$ in $ {\mathbb{C}}$, where the radius $ {R_{i}}$ is defined by
$ \displaystyle R_{i}=\sum_{j\neq i}|a_{ij}|. $
Exercise 3 What are the Gershgorin disks of the matrix $ {B}$ in the Jacobi iteration? Hence show that Jacobi iteration is convergent if the matrix $ {A}$ is strictly diagonal dominant (SDD), i.e.
$ \displaystyle |a_{ii}|>\sum_{j\neq i}|a_{ij}|. $
Exercise 4 Show that a SDD matrix is invertible.
1.2. The Gauss-Seidel iteration
Again unfortunately this name is rather uninformative. I would rather call it method of successive displacement, for reason to be clear in a moment. We take
$ \displaystyle M=D+U\:\text{ or }\:M=D+L. $
Now since $ {M}$ is triangular, its eigenvalues lie on the diagonal. Hence in order for $ {M}$ to be invertible, the diagonal of $ {A}$ must be nonzero. The same SDD condition is also sufficient for the Gauss-Seidel to converge.We take the same example to illustrate what is going on. With
$ \displaystyle A=\begin{bmatrix}2 & -1\\ -1 & 2 \end{bmatrix},\quad M=\begin{bmatrix}2\\ -1 & 2 \end{bmatrix} $
one Gauss-Seidel iteration looks like the following
$ \displaystyle \begin{bmatrix}2\\ -1 & 2 \end{bmatrix}\begin{bmatrix}x_{0}^{1}\\ x_{1}^{1} \end{bmatrix}=\begin{bmatrix} & 1\\ \ \end{bmatrix}\begin{bmatrix}x_{0}^{0}\\ x_{1}^{0} \end{bmatrix}+b. $
Note that to obtain $ {x_{1}^{1}}$, one needs $ {x_{0}^{1}}$ and $ {x_{1}^{0}}$ but not $ {x_{0}^{0}}$, due to our choice that $ {M}$ is the lower triangular part of $ {A}$, and cpnsequently $ {M-A}$ is strictly upper triangular. So, instead of storing the entire $ {x^{0}}$ before $ {x^{1}}$ is obtained, one can replace the entry $ {x_{0}^{0}}$ with the computed $ {x_{0}^{1}}$ immediately, hence saving half of the storage.Exercise 5 Check the case $ {M=D+U}$ using the above $ {2\times2}$ example.
The SDD condition still guarantees the convergence here. Assume $ {M}$ is taken to be the lower triangular part (the other case is similar). Now consider the eigenvlaues $ {\lambda}$ of
$ \displaystyle B=M^{-1}(M-A)=-M^{-1}U. $
We have
$ \displaystyle \ker(-M^{-1}U-\lambda I)\neq\{0\}. $
Since $ {M}$ is invertible, this implies
$ \displaystyle \ker(U+\lambda M)\neq\{0\}. $
Note that $ {U+\lambda M=U+\lambda D+\lambda L}$. If $ {A}$ is SDD, then $ {U+\lambda D+\lambda L}$ is SDD only if $ {|\lambda|\geq1}$. But if $ {|\lambda|\geq1}$, $ {U+\lambda D+\lambda L}$ is invertible, by Exercise 4. This shows that eigenvalues of $ {B}$ in modulus cannot be greater than $ {1}$ if $ {A}$ is SDD. This guarantees the convergence by Exercise 1.Another sufficient condition for convergence. Besides the SDD conditions, we also have
Theorem 1
- The Gauss-Seidel iteration converges if $ {A}$ is symmetric and positive definite.
- The Jacobi iteration converges if both $ {A}$ and $ {2D-A}$ are symmetric positive definite.
These are immediate consequences of
Theorem 2 (Householder-John) If $ {A,B\in\mathbb{R}^{N\times N}}$ and both $ {A}$ and $ {A-B-B^{T}}$ are symmetric positive definite, then the spectral radius of $ {(A-B)^{-1}B}$ is stricly less than one.
Proof: Let $ {\lambda}$,$ {v\neq0}$ be an eigenvalue-eigenvector pair of $ {-(A-B)^{-1}B}$, which may well be complex. Then
$ \displaystyle -Bv=\lambda(A-B)v. $
Hence $ {\lambda\neq1}$ since $ {A}$ is invertible. Multiplying both sides by $ {\bar{v}^{T}}$, we obtain
$ \displaystyle -\bar{v}^{T}Bv=\lambda\bar{v}^{T}Av+\lambda\bar{v}^{T}Bv. $
$ \displaystyle \bar{v}^{T}Bv=\frac{\lambda}{\lambda-1}\bar{v}^{T}Av. $
Now one easily check that the symmetric positive definiteness of a matrix $ {M}$ implies
$ \displaystyle \bar{x}^{T}Mx>0\quad,\forall x\in\mathbb{C}^{N}. $
$ \displaystyle \bar{v}^{T}B^{T}v=\left(\bar{v}^{T}Bv\right)^{*}=\frac{\bar{\lambda}}{\bar{\lambda}-1}\bar{v}^{T}A^{*}v=\frac{\bar{\lambda}}{\bar{\lambda}-1}\bar{v}^{T}Av. $
Apply the above observations to $ {M=A-B-B^{T}}$ and $ {M=A}$, with $ {x=v}$, we get
$ \displaystyle \begin{array}{rcl} 0 & < & \bar{v}^{T}(A-B-B^{T})v\\ & = & \bar{v}^{T}Av-\frac{\lambda}{\lambda-1}\bar{v}^{T}Av-\frac{\bar{\lambda}}{\bar{\lambda}-1}\bar{v}^{T}Av\\ & = & \frac{1-|\lambda|^{2}}{|1-\lambda|^{2}}\bar{v}^{T}Av \end{array} $
$ \displaystyle 0<\bar{v}^{T}Av. $
We deduce that $ {|\lambda|<1}$. $ \Box$
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